That is me, there, walking along the sidewalk alone. One kid fifty feet ahead of me, stomping her foot and glaring at me with dagger eyes meant to make me go faster. Behind is Mr. Amble Von Slowalker. Lagging by fifty feet, singing, stepping in mud puddles, chatting up squirrels and birds.
Until recently, I always held both children's hands when we walked together. Tennessee just didn't seem big enough to be on his own, and if I let Lucy go at her own pace, she would be around the world and back again before we made it up the front walkway to the house. I would do my best to make my "calm" face while one child yanked my arm in an attempt to make me go faster, the other just too short to allow for upright walking. Mother gorillas have it so easy.
I try to urge Tennessee along gently, I don't want to discourage his rose smelling tendencies. I try to make Lucy feel like we are rushing as fast as we can. I don't want to discourage her love of efficiency and speed. I usually end up frustrating everyone. For Mother's Day, I want Tennessee to learn to enjoy a slow trot, and for Lucy to take up walking on her hands. Then we would be the happiest little gang on the sidewalk.
So the lesson learned today...parenting is a practice in patience.
Posted by: Penni4urthoughts | February 24, 2010 at 05:25 PM
Man, or maybe it would be easier if humans were like kangaroos. That way the kids CAN'T GET AWAY, they've got to stay in the pouch. But then what do kangaroo moms do with their older kids who aren't in the pouch? They probably just kick them out into the outback to fend for themselves. Which isn't cool within human society these days.
In any case, I'm loving your blog, Mayanna!
Posted by: Faith | February 25, 2010 at 01:48 AM
@Kari...Ugh, am I getting that preachy? I may need to hang up my typee lil fingers.
Faith, just yesterday I was pining for the old days when he still fit in an Ergo baby carrier. Well, he probably still fits, but he is back breakingly heavy these days. Thanks for reading!
Posted by: mothermayi | February 26, 2010 at 08:52 AM